Zam has agreed for me to post our correspondences here. His first and second replies -
Hi, many thanks for your reply. I'm from KL but my hometown is at Tangkak, Johor.
I have found one at Bangsar, 2003 (not facelifted) quoted at RM 126k, and i asked for RM120,000 and still negotiating.
I wish to ask your opinion that is it worth it if I get the Ipsum around RM120k-123k for the version (photos and spec attached)? I might commit in this 2 days.
For the Estima, we did consider it since the price is also around RM13oK plus, but I worry that the car is under power since it is using the same 2.4L engine, and I assume that Ipsum will give more kick compared to estima :-) (I am currently driving Perdana V6, 2002). I think for the size, i prefer Ipsum.
The photos and spec given by the importer:- (No front and rear cameras)

I did went to Naza, Jalan Raja Muda, Kuala Lumpur. They have many units of Ipsum, all BRAND NEW 2004 Ipsum 2.4L, price quoted around RM150k, but found that all are without accessories, not even CD player :-(
I think they are selling at lower than their cost (like u said RM24x,xxx).
And Toyota Wish is selling at RM120k(without body kits) and RM125k(with body kits).
But one good thing is Naza provides 1 year warranty :-)
My reply -Oh, you're Johorean too! We have more in common, I'm still driving my 2004 Perdana V6 (no modification) on daily basis. The Ipsum is used by my wife. Power wise, I think the Ipsum will win any time. Considering the load you carry is the same, the Ipsum is slightly more economical on the highway and more comfortable than the Perdana V6. What more if your Ipsum is 15" alloys compared to my 16".
For your information, Wish 1.8 (2004) with bodykit at Mutiara Motors is around RM115k (not OTR), with 1 month warranty.
I assume you have viewed the car you mentioned and the price you referred to (i.e RM120k - RM123k) is inclusive of road tax and insurance (according to, the Ipsum should get RM200 discount from our road tax).
There are few variances of Ipsum 240 series in Japan. Since you mentioned that the car came with half wooden steering, it is probably the top of the range '240u G Selection' as it is the only model that came with half wood. You can see the differences here -
First, I think you may not want to get the full-top-of-the-range of the Ipsum - 240u G Selection 4x4. With the latest on fuel price announced this evening, just ensure that it is the 2 wheel drive version.
Secondly, I think you will have to determine that the one showed to you is 240u G Selection. From the colour and interior matching schedule, we know that for the one with Beige interior, the only exterior colour available should be White Pearl Mica. It should be Pearl Mica paint and not Solid paint. I think, if the exterior colour is not Pearl Mica, something is not right.
The alloy supplied should be 15" with 205/65/15 tyres. See the kilometres done on the car, compare if it matches the wear on the tyres. On my car, the previous owner changed to a better quality tyres (2006 made), so no way for me to determine this. I just assume that the previous owner wanted the best for his ride, and really took care of the car (there were exterior paint protectors on the inside of the door handles / opener).
Compare the chrome dressing on the car with this .
Do not forget that the G Selection should come with adjustable absorbers and Xenon Headlamp. So, check it out.
I think RM120k - RM123k OTR should be a bargain for this Ipsum 240u G Selection since it is the top of the range one (you'll get electric seat / pearl mica colour / glass roofs / 6 Airbags) PROVIDED THAT it should come with at least 1 month warranty for all mechanical parts - gearbox, all absorbers (the electronically adjustable absorbers cost more than RM1k) including engine mountings, new v-belts, new lubricants for everything which need it, and the price should include complete re-sprayed of the exterior (I got it) AND replacement of those privacy glass to one which complies with our current law.
On my personal preference, I don't like the after market skirting installed on the Ipsum. It may be a sign that the previous owner likes to mod the car / does not care about the originality of the car.
Another thing, beige interior is hard to maintain. I once viewed a used and registered 2001 Ipsum with Beige interior - the condition once it is dirtied is - you will prefer not to seat there. But, this is my preference. You may view it otherwise.
Is this Ipsum 6 or 7 seater?
Good luck! Hope this humble opinion from a motoring enthusiast helps!
Zam replied -
Yes, the sale representative did said that it is Ipsum 240 "UG" which I am not so familiar with, but he said that it isthe "top spec".
I think I must ask him these questions before decide -
1) Color : Pearl White or Solid white?
2) The steering is half wood?
3) 2WD or 4WD? (most important at the moment)
4) 6 or 7 seater?
5) Is the price OTR and doest it come with Re-spray? (I don't think it is included)
Tomorrow my PV6,2002 will be valued for trade-in.
Oh, I must mention that I haven't seen the car yet :-{ still at East Malaysia (Sabah/Salawak). Sales representative said that the car will only be shipped-in after I paid downpayment (strange?). I have not experience this before.
Looked like you got a better deal in JB. I am confused.
Yes, one very important thing to ask, your Ipsum's fuel consumption compared to Perdana V6. This might be the key for me to change my decision to own Ipsum (ideal car for me at the moment) after the announcement by our PM. (My Perdana V6 gives me around 450-550 km/RM110, recently down to 4++km only).
My reply -
I think imported Ipsums are readily available in Kuala Lumpur for your viewing. Unless you really trust this sales representative, I see no reason why you should commit.
I think Encik Azrin that I mentioned earlier got a better deal at Bangsar, RM120k OTR for 2003 240s. I paid RM127k in January for 2003 240i Type S (lower spec).
Fuel consumption comparison - in town, my Perdana V6 is more economical. At highway, Ipsum is more economical (same weight being carried). 2 days ago I pumped RM87-xx for 4xx km (town) into my Perdana V6.
Another thing, the interest rate which I got is 2.3% per annum. You should be able too!
Good luck Zam! And thank you for letting me to post these here.