Monday, February 4, 2008

Owner Manual

I received a photocopy of the Owner Manual (written for Avensis Verso, 2003) from Fauzi, Kajang last Friday.

Thank you Fauzi!


Unknown said...

Been driving Ipsum 240S for a year now. Can u share the copy of owner's manual.

Jebat said...

i also wanna copy of the manual for my newly register 240s. or

tanel said...

could you send me copy of the toyota avensis verso 2003 manuals my e-mail adress is

Mobile Blogger said...

I had just noticed the requests.

I received the manual in hardcopy form. Will see on what can be done.

Mobile Blogger said...

Leave your email or handphone number.

Anonymous said...

hi, your info is the best so far on the net. please help me. i'm an ipsum freak. i have a 99 and i'm awaiting a ipsum 240i, 2001. please share your owner manual with me. i have one in japanese and it drives me crazy. help me, chantal

NZM0NK3Y said...

Could you send me a copy of the Ipsum manual please ? Just brought a 2003 240i Type S. Send to please. Great blog. Thanks heaps. Rob

Unknown said...


Could you please email me a copy of the Ipsum's owner manual too. I have got Ipsum 2002 240i. My email address is I am in New Zealand.

Thanks very much

dcf16 said...

Hi there. Great blog. I've also just got an ipsum with no manual. Could you please email me a copy? I'd be very grateful. Many thanks. Duncan.

dcf16 said...

Also. My ipsum appears to have a tv but I can't tune it in. I even had a Japanese speaker look at it but he couldn't figure it out. I'm in new zealand. Any ideas?

Unknown said...

Would love to have a copy of the Ipsum 2003 model. Have searched the net, but nothing. Please help. Email it to



gody said...

pliz pliz,it would be kind of you if i could get a copy of the 240s handbook as well,my email is,thanks in advance n God bless.

gody said...

hi i would be greatfull if i could get a copy of the manual for my 240s,my email is,thanks in advance.

Sunbae said...

Salam i just bought ipsum 240i 2005, but pending plat number... can u sent me a copy of the user manual, great blog by the way... my email add (0193566744) bangi, kajang, selangor - nizam

MyName said...

Would really appreciate a copy of the owners manual for the Ipsum240 (2004) or the closest you can get...

Please send to

Termizi said...

I also need a copy of the Ipsum manual. Can you send me one to my email:


Unknown said...

May I have a copy of the Ipsum manual. If U dont mine, u can send me one to my email or massage to may phone. I will see u any where..TQ
012 2122510

Unknown said...

Can i have a copy of the user manual. Looking forward to have it since i'm waiting for my ipsum 2009.

Unknown said...

can i hav a copy plss

Unknown said...

Please send me a copy of owners manual.i have been driving Toyota ipsum for a week now.

Unknown said...

Can you please share the ipsum manual with me as well? Many thanks in advance!! (

Unknown said...

Can you please share the ipsum manual with me as well? Many thanks in advance!! (

Unknown said...

Could you please send me a copy of the user manual as well please. (

Perihert said...

have a ipsum 240i with manual in japanese..kindly sent a copy of owner's manual in english [

Unknown said...

could you send me copy of the toyota ipsum 240u 2007 manuals my e-mail adress is

Unknown said...

Could you send me the copy of toyota ipsum 240i 2002 2AZ-FE
owners manual to my email which is

Unknown said...

Could you please send me a copy of the Ipsum Owner Manual? Just brought a 2005 240i Type S. Send to
Thanks a lot.

Unknown said...

Could you also sent me a copy of the manual. the one i have is written in japanesse and i cannot read japanesse. please i own toyota ipsum type s model. sent on or or

Dakshesh said...


If you can send me owners manual on Thanks in advance.

eddy150 said...

Hi, I have a Toyota Ipsum same as yours and keen to get a copy of the owners manual. Could you email one across?

Really like the blog and it was useful when deciding to buy an Ipsum.



TY said...


Please, Can you please share the ipsum manual with me as well? Many thanks in advance!!

Unknown said...

Can you please share the ipsum manual with me as well? Many thanks in advance!!

Unknown said...

Kindly help me with copy of Ipsum. This will assist a lot in managing the MPV. Thanks a lot in advance.

Unknown said...

Can you please share the ipsum manual with me? Thanks a lot.

Unknown said...
Please send me the link too.
Much appreciated

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
I would like a copy of the manual too please. Email is

Unknown said...

Dose any one get the link to share it here, so anybody need the soft copy can get it directly without permissions :)