Monday, June 8, 2009

Mutiara Motors's 2004 Ipsum 240s

A friend is considering Ipsum 240 series (facelifted). He found a BRAND NEW 2005 Ipsum 240s at Naza World for RM150k on the road.

I found this 2004 240s (facelifted) at Mutiara Motors, Johor Bahru for RM128k without road tax and insurance.

Close to 55k km on the odometer

Facelift version comes with silver centre panel, this one
comes with DVD player / monitor / Hard disk

Can you see the words 'DVD Video'?

The steering has 4 spokes with controller built-in

No adjustable suspension

Air cleaner? Plasmacluster?

The seat fabric - taken from the second row
See the ISOFIX connections?

Clean interior

Dark interior - maple

Solid White

Previous owner has installed an extra handle

Standard 17" alloy

HID / fog lamps / new front end

Sporty new image

1 moonroof + 1 sunroof = 2

Solid white



aWe said...

240s but no shifting button on steering?? :(

Mobile Blogger said...


Nicely spotted. I didn't notice that. Are you hunting for one?

dcf16 said...

This is what I've just bought. I can't get the DVD & tv to work in it though. All in Japanese & I can't figure out how to tune it. Any ideas?

Earthly Designer said...

i am looking for Ipsum. can you please recommend me where to find in jb?